This just makes me sad. I know you've already read about it on practically every Stardoll blog there is, but for whomever hasn't I'll recap. A Stardoll member by the name of
Migliukee (try saying
that five times fast!) submitted some drawings to Stardoll which impressed them so much that they decided to create a clothing line in Starplaza based on her designs,
Migliukee for Stardoll (
the first time EVER that a Stardoll user designed their own line for Stardoll). Little did they know that these were not her designs, they were sketches she had stolen from a relatively popular blog,
www.paperfashion.wordpress.com, though clearly not popular enough that anyone at the Stardoll offices had ever seen it. Unfortunately for Migliukee many Stardoll users had, and the controversy of the stolen artwork blew up all over the blogs. As of late last night the shop has been removed from Starplaza, and Migliukee (who has since all but deleted her account, or perhaps had everything taken from her by Stardoll) has posted the following on her presentation; you can also see the guestbook comment of an outraged Stardoll member:
LadyVenuz raises an excellent point, why hasn't Stardoll addressed this? Is merely removing the content enough? I think some sort of statement is in order, this is an incredibly embarrassing situation in which they failed to verify ownership of these designs, and not only betrayed the trust of their members with their negligence but also wronged the incredibly talented artist, Katie Rodgers (you can see the drawings that the clothing was based on
HERE* on her blog).

What is also sad is that this will certainly discourage Stardoll from ever giving legitimate artists and graphic designers a chance to have their work showcased in Starplaza. If they were too lazy to make sure the designs were legit this time they will probably be too lazy to do so in the future.
You can still see the clothing in
Migliukee's Styling Studio (and the people that purchased them before the store was removed still have them):

*link provided by
Stardoll's Most Wanted**Picture of the
Migliukee for Stardoll shop provided by
WTF Stardoll?!